This is a story about two children...
A story about two playful and cheerful kids...
This is a story where a relationship is built...
This is a story that touched my heart...
This is a story about my beloved boys...
This is a story... a story about 'them'...
They always make me furious.
They always cause me a headache.
They always turn me into somebody else.
And they always make me showing my true colors.
They always make me shout like a crazy person.
They always make become fierce like I don't actually used to be before.
They always tend to rise my blood.
They always encourage me to become angry with them.
Poor them. They got a bad sister and awful aunt.
Poor them. They have to face my terrible look every time they're having fight to each other.
Poor them. Their only Kak Chik and Mak Andak had changed to the scariest monster they had never met.
Poor them. Poor poor them.
Everyday they fight, to attack oneself.
Everyday they fight, to defend oneself.
Everyday they fight, to satisfy oneself.
And everyday they fight, to increase my blood pressure, even I don't have one.
Although they fight, they're cheer me up.
Although they fight, they make me laugh.
Although they fight, they break my loneliness.
Although they fight, they bring me happiness.
I LOVE them, for their cuteness.
I LOVE them, for their kindness.
I LOVE them, for their naughtiness.
I LOVE them, for their sweetness.
I LOVE them, for who they are.
They're my pearl, they'll always be.
Lighting up my day with so much memories.
Without them, what'll my life be,
They're my angels, they'll always, for ME.
anak buah zimah ker?? best nyer da de anak buah eh..
hehehe.... dah tua zmah azie... hahah
eeeiii.. cute gla diorng nih!!!
hehehe.. :p
a'ah anis. cute sgt mcm anis. tp zmah rs anis lg cute kot. hahaha~
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