About Me

My photo
i know what's right and what's wrong. i am cheerful and out going. it's hard for me to find the one that i want, but once i find the right person, i won't be able to fall in love again for a long time.


"Do what you love and you'll be good at it. Sounds simple enough. But what if you love reading comics, playing video games and watching korean dramas until your eyes pop out? Is it possible to make a career out of such things? What's the alternative? Spend all your time wishing you were brave enough to take that leap? Don't let fear stop you from doing what you love. Because ultimately, it's about being true to yourself."


Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Envy aka Jealousy


It's been a long time since I've updated my blog. I just have no idea of what am I going to write in here because I just don't know how to pick out the best one from memories because there are too many of them to be told.

And I don't think I will tell you all of them today because honestly, I'm not in the mood to write anything here. So sorry...

Actually, I don't know what's happening to me today. This is all because of jealousy and envy. It's not a brilliant idea to have these feelings within ourselves. However, most people argued that we can be envy toward other people for the sake of knowledge, meaning to say for the means of studies. This is because they think that being envy toward others' cleverness and intelligent can be sorts of motivation to us in order to improve our studies skills and also to push us to make not just big but ginormous efforts to become the most excellent person in the future.

But I don't think I'll get motivated when I heard people around me (my friends) keep talking about my other friends' cleverness. Right now i could still feel the power of envy is controlling me and it's too powerful until I can hardly try to get rid of it. No matter how much I try to throw away this feeling, I know I won't be able to do so. I'm too weak and feeling envy or jealous toward another person who is higher than me (in terms of intelligence) is one of my main weaknesses. I cannot easily accept the fact that anybody is cleverer than me even I know that I will never get myself into the high level.

Astaghfirullah... what am I thinking. Of course as a Muslim, I mustn't at all let the feelings conquer me. But, what should I do then? I cannot just blindly accept the fact that there are people out there who are much more intelligent than me without doing anything right? But, the fact is I haven't done anything yet but crying is my most favorite thing to do when I am frustrated. Be in mind ya that I'm not upset with those clever people but I'm so dissapointed with myself. Why can't I be like them? Why can't I learn from their abilities? And the more specifiq question is how can't my English language as powerful as theirs? Why? Why? Why? I love reading novels and I do read English novels a lot and usually I'll also write my journals in English. Everyday I learn new vocabularies but still my English is at the same level. It never changes. Hmmm..... I really feel like I want to cry.

May Allah give me some strengths to go through all my life here with those clever people. And please don't think I just sit here and do nothing. Insya Allah I'll figure out something that can increase my spirit to proceed my studies here.

I shall stop now. There are lots of things to do in my room. Some preparations must be done before I attend the lectures tomorrow.

Take care...

ps, I'll update my blog at least once in a week.


Saturday, 28 November 2009

Eidul Adha Special


The story hidden from the month of Dzul Hijjah...

*A command from Allah toward His prophet, Ibrahim a.s. to slaughter his own son, Ismail a.s.

One day, when Prophet Ismail a.s. had reached his teen age, his father, Prophet Ibrahim a.s. dreamed that he had to slaughter Ismail, his only son. For the prophets and the messengers of Allah s.w.t., dream is one way to which God reveals wahy to His chosen prophet. After he was confidence that the dream was from Allah s.w.t., Prophet Ibrahim a.s. realized that he must obey the command asking him to slaughter his one and only prince, Ismail a.s. He sat all by himself thinking about the dream for so many time as he thought that the dream has been the biggest test he had ever faced in his life as a prophet of Allah s.w.t. He thought as a father who had been waiting for his child to be born after had been praying to God for so many years. A son who had reached his teen age and was the only hope to take care of the family. A son who was meant to be the only heir of the family and continue the life of his parents until the end, who his life had to be sacrificed by his own father's hand.

As it was stated in the Holy Quran:

"And when he (his son) was old enough to walk with him, he said: 'O my son! I have seen in a dream that I am slaughtering you (offering you in sacrifice to Allah). So look what you think!' He said: 'O my father! Do that which you are commanded, Insya Allah (if Allah wills), you shall find me of As-Sabirun (the patient)." (37:102)

And finally, after had listened to Ismail a.s's answer, without wasting time, Ibrahim had decided to fulfill Allah's command to start the sacrifice seemed his son was willing to be sacrificed to show that obedience toward his Creator.

When the time had come which Ismail a.s. was almost slaughtered by Ibrahim a.s, Allah s.w.t. revealed His verses as stated in the Quran:

"We called out to him: 'O Abraham! You have fulfilled the dream!' Verily thus do We reward the Muhsinun (good doers). Verily, that indeed was a manifest trial. And We ransomed him with a great sacrifice (kibasy - a ram)." (37:104-107)

This story is enough to show us how much high the obedience of both prophets Ibrahim a.s. and his son, Ismail a.s. to Allah s.w.t. Although they have to sacrifice their own life for Him, they are not scared. Because they know, they believe that whoever obey Allah s.w.t. with sincerity are sure will be rewarded and be blessed by Him both in this world and in the hereafter.

The story is the beginning of the act of Qurban which is considered as sunnah and it is recommended to be carried out during the celebration of Eidul Adha festival. This sunnah has been carried out by all Muslims from all over the world.

Specially from me,


Friday, 27 November 2009



Ladies and gentlemen,

"The LOVELIEST couple of the day goes to..."

[jeng... jeng... jeng...]

"Mr, and Mrs. Azharina!!! Let's give them a big round of applause!"

"Congratulations you guys!!!"

"Awww... both of you have made such a sweet couple. Because of both of you had won
the Loveliest Couple Award, I am honored to inform you that
your wedding picture had been chosen to be published as the cover page of
the TruLove magazine."

"Stay sweet you two!"

"We (the Wan family) love you!"


I might not have anything to give as your anniversary present,
but I do have a special quotation for you both.
Hopefully this will be enough to create a smile on your faces
during your anniversary.

"A great marriage is not when the perfect couple comes together.
It is when the imperfect couple learns to enjoy
their differences."

May your marriage be blessed by Allah swt.
today, tomorrow, and ALWAYS...

Specially from me,
your one and only "adek"....



Thursday, 26 November 2009

Eid Mubarak!


Salam Eid Mubarak to my beloved mother and father
who are now still in Mekah (may Allah bless them always),
to my family (kak long & abg long, angah & kak arsyi, abg nwar & kak aisyah, kak uda, Hafiz and Zaim. I love u all!)
to all my g13th friends (guys, you're the best!),
to my ex-dormates e-1-10 and a-1-3 (miss u all so much!),
to my one and only secret admirer (ehem2, all the best in your spm),
and not forgotten to all my BFFs (Ct, Reen, Nisah, Ali, Farissa, Anis, Azie,
Mimi, Iman, Pija, Syaff, Tyah, and Eza).

May Allah bless us all!



Tentang Cinta


*Serikandi Rabiatul Adawiyah

Rabiah mempunyai satu impian. Satu angan-angan. Dan padanya hanya ada satu jalan saja yang bisa membuatkan impiannya itu menjadi kenyataan. Satu-satunya cara, iaitu kematian. Padanya hanya dengan kematian saja yang boleh menemukan dia dengan CINTA sejatinya, Allah swt. Inilah satu-satunya keinginnanya selama hidupnya. Untuk menyaksikan Dzat Tuhannya. Kerana pada saat itulah semua penghalang yang menghalanginya untuk beribadah kepada Allah swt akan lenyap. Sedangkan jalan untuk mencapai darjat yang mulia itu tidak akan bisa ditemukan melainkan dengan hanya mencintai Allah swt.

Kerana CINTA itu membuahkan kebaikan, sudah seharusnya bagi seseorang yang sedang jatuh CINTA untuk berbuat baik kepada yang dCINTAinya.

Oleh sebab terlalu banyak kebaikan yang telah dianugerahi Allah kepada Rabiah, dia tidak mahu menikmati dunianya, bahkan dia menghilangkan naluri kewanitaannya. Hidupnya hanya untuk menCINTAi Allah swt.

Pabila ditanya oleh banyak orang kepada Rabiah tentang CINTA,

"Wahai Rabiah, bagaimanakah pendapatmu tentang CINTA?"

Maka, inilah jawaban yang diberikannya,

"CINTA itu berbicara dengan kerinduan dan perasaan. Hanya mereka yang menCINTAi yang dapat merasakan erti CINTA yang sesungguhnya. CINTA tidak dapat dijelaskan dengan kata-kata. Tidak mungkin seseorang dapat menjelaskan sesuatu yang belum dikenalnya atau mengenali sesuatu yang yang ia belum pernah bergaul dengannya. CINTA tidak mungkin dikenal melalui hawa nafsu, terlebih lagi apabila tuntutan CINTA itu diabaikan. CINTA dapat membuat manusia menjadi bingung, sehingga akan menutup apapun untuk menyatakan sesuatu. CINTA itu mampu menguasai HATI."

Kerana CINTA, manusia alpa...
Kerana CINTA, manusia leka...
Kerana CINTA, manusia berduka...
Kerana CINTA, manusia binasa...

Mengapa? Kerana CINTA itu buta dan bisa membutakan.

Namun, CINTA yang suci terhadap Sang Khaliq, adalah SEGALAnya.
CINTA terhadap DIA yang Maha Agung, mampu mebuatkan sang pencinta menjadi buta.
BUTA dengan nikmat dunia yang hanya bersifat sementara.
Dan akhirnya, balasan CINTA dari yang Maha Esa bakal didapatkannya.

CINTAilah Allah dengan setulus dan seikhlas hati. Kerana CINTA Allah tidak pernah mengecewakan. Dan insya Allah, kita tidak akan dikecewakan.



Wednesday, 18 November 2009



This is a story about two children...

A story about two playful and cheerful kids...

This is a story where a relationship is built...

This is a story that touched my heart...

This is a story about my beloved boys...

This is a story... a story about 'them'...


They always make me furious.
They always cause me a headache.
They always turn me into somebody else.
And they always make me showing my true colors.
They always make me shout like a crazy person.
They always make become fierce like I don't actually used to be before.
They always tend to rise my blood.
They always encourage me to become angry with them.

Poor them. They got a bad sister and awful aunt.
Poor them. They have to face my terrible look every time they're having fight to each other.
Poor them. Their only Kak Chik and Mak Andak had changed to the scariest monster they had never met.
Poor them. Poor poor them.

Everyday they fight, to attack oneself.
Everyday they fight, to defend oneself.
Everyday they fight, to satisfy oneself.
And everyday they fight, to increase my blood pressure, even I don't have one.

Although they fight, they're cheer me up.
Although they fight, they make me laugh.
Although they fight, they break my loneliness.
Although they fight, they bring me happiness.

I LOVE them, for their cuteness.
I LOVE them, for their kindness.
I LOVE them, for their naughtiness.
I LOVE them, for their sweetness.
I LOVE them, for who they are.

They're my pearl, they'll always be.
Lighting up my day with so much memories.
Without them, what'll my life be,
They're my angels, they'll always, for ME.


They're such a sweet 'brother' and 'nephew' of mine.

I LOVE them both with all my heart.

Yup! They are my Zaim and Kamil.

~The End~

Monday, 16 November 2009

15 Nov - Yesterday


is someone's birthday.
I didn't forget, I remembered.
someone SPECIAL.
I did wished him "Happy Birthday",
I forgot one thing.
I forgot to give him
a big hug
a LOVE kiss.

the only nephew
of mine.
the only prince
of my eldest sister.
the only grandson of my parents.
playful, kind, sweet, and cheerful.

He is
the one and only
The birthday boy of the day!

Happy Belated Birthday,

Three different cakes of Thomas, the train.
(If only I have my own money, I won't
be hesitate to buy one for you, Kamil)

So, choose any you like, and
I'll buy it when you
reached your
one year-old birthday.

"I'll try my best, dear..."


~Mak Andak~

All about Life

Salam to all my brothers and sisters...

What do you know about LIFE???

What is Life?

What's inside a Life?

What can Life give us?

Why are so many people obsess about Life?

What's a Life for a Muslim like us?

For me, I defined Life in a simple poem:

Life can be anything, can be everything.

Life is full of mystery, so much secrecy.

Life is unpredictable, but everything is possible.

Life is less happiness, but so much tears.

Life makes us forget our true selves.

Life gives us too much pains.

But who knows...

Life has thousands of sweet memories can be gained.

In the diary of a Muslim,

Life in this world is meaningless,
but could be valuable as a preparation for the Day of Judgement.

Life in the hereafter is last longer and life for a human
can be sweeter and sweeter if it brings him closer to his only Creator.



Insya Allah.

Simple Quotation taken from the novel "If You Could See Me Now" by Cecelia Ahern:

Life is kind of like a painting. A really bizarre, abstract painting. You could look at it and think that all it is, is just blur. And you could continue living your life thinking that all it is, is a blur. But if you really look at it, really see it, focus on it, and use your imagination, life can become so much more. That painting could be of the sea, the sky, people, buildings, a butterfly on a flower, or anything except the blur you were once convinced it was~

Friday, 6 November 2009



Nampaknya, mulai dari hari ini, saya tidak akan menceritakan apa-apa lagi tentang kisah hidup peribadi saya di ruangan ini. Semalam baru saja lepas dinasihati mak. Mak kata sepatutnya cerita-cerita tentang hati tidak sepatutnya menjadi tatapan umum kerana itu adalah rahsia hidup kita. Bukan apa. Menurut mak lagi tak manis kan ramai orang tahu tentang kisah cinta seorang gadis sunti spereti saya ni... Hehehe... ada betul jugak kata-kata mak tu. Jadi, insya Allah, lepas ni saya tak akan menceritakan apa-apa lagi tentang perkara yang melibatkan hati dan perasaan saya di sini. Biarkan ia terus menjadi 'rahsia...'


Tiba-tiba pulak hari ni rasa macam nak kongsi minat kat sini. Disebabkan tiada idea untuk meng'update' blog, jadi saya nak jugaklah ambil kesempatan ini untuk berkongsi dengan kamu tentang hobi saya yang membuatkan saya sangat kagum dengan diri saya sendiri. Niat di hati bukan ini riak atau membangga diri, tapi sekali-sekala ingin mewujudkan rasa cinta terhadap kelemahan dan kelebihan yang ada pada diri saya. Kerana sekarang saya sedang berada dalam proses untuk mencintai diri saya, iaitu Wan Hazimah.

Jadi, tak salahkan tindakan saya ni?

Baiklah. Hobi saya itu ialah saya sangat sangat suka membaca! Antara buku-buku yang saya gemar membacanya ialah buku-buku agama, motivasi, novel cinta islami, novel peperangan dan novel yang berkisarkan tentang teknologi. Dan buku-buku yang saya baca ini tidak kira sama ada berbahasa Melayu mahupun Inggeris. Dua-dua saya meminatinya. Sekarang ni, saya juga sedang mempelajari bahasa jepun. Insya Allah, sekiranya diberikan kesempatan, saya akan mula membaca buku-buku cerita bahasa Jepun pula.

Namun hari ni, saya cuma ingin fokuskan pada beberapa buah buku yang hasil penulisannya dinukilkan oleh seorang penulis yang bertitelkan 'anonymous' dengan nama penanya Hlovate. Seseorang yang tidak pernah dikenali sesiapapun. Seorang wanita. Seorang muslimah. Saya amatlah berharap, walaupun saya seperti orang lain yang tidak pernah mengenali dirinya, namun saya sentiasa berdoa agar suatu hari nanti saya dapat bertemu dengan beliau. Lebih-lebih lagi secara bersemuka. Terlalu banyak yang ingin saya tanyakan kepada beliau. tentang penulisan novel ni. Terlalu banyak yang ingin dikongsikan dan terlalu banyak yang saya ingin pelajari daripada penulis ini.

Siapakah sebenarnya Hlovate ini???

Saya amat meminati penulisan beliau. Saya mempunyai cita-cita. Dan tiada siapa akan menjangka bahawa cita-cita saya itu setinggi gunung dan langit yang susah ingin dicapai sekiranya tiada usaha keras. Saya ingin menjadi seorang penulis ulung yang bukan saja boleh menghasilkan karya yang diminati ramai seperti karya-karya Hlovate, semata-mata tetapi dapat menghasilkan sesuatu yang lain daripada yang lain yang bisa menyumbang kepada agama dan ummah serta kepada para generasi akan datang.

Sebenarnya kalau nak diikutkan, ramai yang seolah-olah memperlekehkan impian saya ini. Entahlah... mungkin pada mereka ia adalah seuatu yang mustahil bagi saya untuk memilikinya. Tapi, wajarkah mereka berfikiran macam tu? Tidak dapat dinafikan bahwa setiap hari saya juga berfikiran seperti itu. perkataan 'mustahil' sentiasa berlegar-legar di ruang fikiran dan sentiasa menghantui. Perkataan inilah yang melemahkan saya dan sentiasa berusaha untuk membuatkan saya lupakan saja impian saya yang menggunung itu. Tapi, kalau saya sendiri yakin dengan kebolehan dan bakat yang saya ada, kenapa tidak mereka? Setakat ini, saya tahu dan boleh nampak sikit-sikit di mana kelamahan saya dan di mana kekuatan saya dalam bidang penulisan cerita.

Saya boleh cakap, dalam masa sekarang ni, sepatutnya seuah lebih dari lima buah novel saya boleh hasilkan. Tanpa menciplak idea dari mana-mana sumber dan insya Allah ia adalah yang asli, datang dari kotak fikiran yang dianugerahi Allah kepada saya sendiri. Namun, entah kenapa terlalu banyak kekangan yang terpaksa saya hadapi sekarang dan mungkin kekakanga-kekangan inilah yang membantutkan usaha saya untuk menghasilkan novel sendiri.

Sebenarnya perkara-perkara seperti inilah yang saya ingin cerita sangat dengan Hlovate. Tolonglah doakan agar suatu hari nanti Allah boleh pertemukan kami berdua. Kerana pada saya, hanya beliau saja yang dapat membantu saya meneruskan usaha dan terus bangun daripada jatuh untuk menjadi penulis terkenal seperti beliau.


Tuesday, 27 October 2009



In the name of Allah the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

By Al-'Asr (the time). Verily, man is in loss. Except those who believe (In Islamic Monotheism) and do righteous good deeds, and recommend one another to the truth [to perform all the good deeds (Al-Ma'ruf) and abstain from all the bad deeds (Al-Munkar)] and recommend one another to patience (during preaching Allah's religion).
~Al-Quran 103:1-3

"Time is more precious than gold, more precious than diamonds, more precious than oil or any valuable treasures. Enough time leaves us warm; when our time is gone, it too leaves us cold." "Time can't be given. But it can be shared..."
~The Gift by Cecelia Ahern

"Time is like a river. You cannot touch the same water twice, because the flow that has passed will never passed again. Enjoy every moment of life with those whom you love."

Let us appreciate each time which has been granted by Allah s.w.t to us.

Let us fill our time with zikrullah, ibadah, or worshiping Him only.

Let us spend our time with our LOVED ones.

Don't let our time leaves us before we contribute something to our beLOVED religion, ISLAM...

Pray to Allah may He give us more time to do everything that will benefit the ummah and so to us before Izrael came and took 'it' from us...

Insya Allah...

Monday, 26 October 2009

Dia telah 'pergi'...


al-Fatihah buat sahabatku, Izaifah.
(sahabat dorm e-1-10 sem1/2)

Kembali ke Rahmatullah pada 25 Oktober 2009,
pada waktu maghrib.

~Kau Sahabatku, Kau Teman Sejati~

Telah tiba saat waktu kau tinggalkan kami

Kerana takdir yang Maha Esa telah menetapkan

Sedih rasanya hati ini bila mngenangkan

Kau sahabatku kau teman sejati

Tulus ikhlasmu luhur budimu bagai tiada pengganti
Senyum tawamu juga katamu menghiburkan kami
Memori indah kita bersama terus bersemadi

Kau sahabatku kau teman sejati

Sudah ditakdirkan kau pergi dulu
Di saat kau masih diperlukan
Tuhan lebih menyayangi dirimu
Ku pasrah diatas kehendak yang Esa

( korus )

Ya Allah,tempatkannya di tempat yang mulia
Tempat yang kau janjikan nikmat untuk hamba Mu
Sahabatku akan ku teruskan perjuangan ini
Walau ku tahu kau tiada di sisi

Perjuangan kita masih jauh beribu batu

Selagi roh masih di jasad hidup diteruskan
Sedih rasa hati ini mengenangkan dikau
Bagai semalam kau bersama kami

( korus )

Moga amanlah dan bahagia dikau di sana

Setangkai doa juga Fatehah terus kukirimkan
Moga di sana kau bersama para solehin
Ku sahabatku kau teman sejati

::Ketahuilah sahabatku, bahawa sesungguhnya aku amat
mencintaimu kerana Allah::

Semoga rohmu dicucuri rahmat dan semoga engkau
tergolong dalam kalangan hamba-hambaNya
yang soleh.


Saturday, 24 October 2009

Mukhayyam F3

(gambar sahaja)

Briefing dan ISk...

Tekun mendengar...

Pembentangan ISK oleh Megat...

Kak Fathy memasang video utk adik2

Jungle trekking bermula...

Bagusnya adik2 ni... masa trekking pun
membaca al-Quran. Alhamdulillah...

Sambil menunggu giliran utk mandi di air terjun,
ada yg membaca Quran, ada yg berdiri dan
ada jugak yg membaca sam
bil duduk.


Ada jugaklah yang curi2 mandi sungai niha...
Hehehe...adik2 ku:P

Sampai je di air terjun...

Subhanallah... hebat sungguh ciptaan Tuhan ini.
Air terjun ini sgtlah cantik dan airnya pun
sangat sejuuuk!!!

Diorang ni kalau dah jmp air terjun, dah x sabar dah.
Terus terjun! Sakan betul diorang mandi.

Haii... yg ni duduk2 je ke? Tak teringin ke nk rs
air terjun tu ha??? Hehehe...

Aku pulak, sempat lagi berposing niha...

Berehat sebentar....

Amboi, cikgu2 nie... berpicnic sesama diorang. Hahaha...

Eh2, apalah yg adik2 ni buat? Ooo, suapan kasih sayang:)

Kalau macam tu, kakak2 fasi pon nk jgklah. Hehehe:))

Selamat tinggal Alang Sedayu!

Nak balik dah...

Gambar ni jelah yg sempat ambik utk dibuat kenangan:(




Saturday, 17 October 2009

About me-described by Facebook


Yesterday, I read a post on Hilal Asyraf's wall and he quoted that, "

terlalu keraskah saya, kalau saya kata: "harap yang pakai facebook, boleh berhati2 dengan kuiz dan ramalan yang anda ambil. Saya nampak ada unsur penyelewengan akidah di situ"? keraskah?

But for me, as long as we know how to take care of our iman, insya Allah, we'll easily differentiate between the goods and the bads.

To be honest, I do love doing all the quizzes provided in Facebook. Hilal was right, actually. We cannot believe in everything said in the quizzes and blindly accept them all, however, for me, if the things are good things and can be accepted by a sound mind, then it's okay for me to accept the. Especially when it comes a quiz describing about myself, my personality. Sometimes they can be true and sometimes they're not. All of these are depending on our mind to decide.

Here, I just want to share the results of some of the quizzes that I had done and they are among the quizzes that I love.

#Quiz 1

Hazimah ikuti kuis SIFAT TERBAIKMU dan hasilnya adalah JUJUR

Anda bersifat JUJUR. Sifat ini sangat baik bagi perkembangan relasi anda dalam kehidupan. Jangan pernah menyerah dalam mempertahankan sifatmu ini, karena di dunia ini sungguh sangat langka u...ntuk mendapatkan orang seperti anda. Tetap pertahankan kejujuran anda dan jangan berpaling, moga Tuhan selalu meridhoimu. Amin

#Quiz 2

Hazimah took the Which Zodiac Sign Are You Most Compatible With? quiz and the result is Gemini

You are most compatible with GEMINI! I'm sure most of your friends are Geminians! Together you're going to rock! When Geminians are good, they are very ...attractive; when they are bad they are more the worse for being the charmers they are. Like children they are lively, and happy, if circumstances are right for them, or egocentric, imaginative and restless. They are affectionate, courteous, kind, generous, and thoughtful towards the poor and suffering - provided none of the activities resulting from expressing these traits interferes too greatly with their own lives and comforts. Sometimes Gemini people cannot stop talking but it's mainly gossip for their own personal experiences. Geminis are clever. Their talent with words also makes them good writers and orators. Relatives, friends, and companions are very important to Gemini people.

#Quiz 3

Hazimah took the quiz Your Ice Cream Personality and the result is Contemplative
You like to think of yourself as a fairly modest person. And it's true that you don't talk yourself up... but you're also pretty happy with who you are.
You are a pretty... cautious person. You look before you leap, and you don't leap often. There's a bit of a wild child within you, but it doesn't get out often.
You are a somewhat open minded person, but deep down you're fairly conservative. You don't like trying new things very much. And if you do find something new you like, you stick with it.
You are a natural multitasker. You feel alive when you're doing more than one thing at a time.
You are a serious and contemplative person. You definitely do your own thing in life.

#Quiz 4

Not only you're attractive, but you always look on the inside of people and not care about their looks. ...You are smart, brave, and creative. You also do anything to save your family and friends most of the time. You also love to read. You hate stuck-up people and you're very sweet and you make friends easily..

* If all the quizzes I had done really describing the real me, is it wrong for me to believe them?

Well, think about it...

Thursday, 15 October 2009

Rinduku Padanya


Perth, Australia

Balik kampung-Johor

Taman KLCC

Di bilik tidur

Raya Eidul Fitri

Hari Pertunangan

Selamat jalan, kakakku!

Jauh di seberang sana
Adalah seorang hamba Allah
Yang sangat aku rindui.
Sedang dia berjuang
Menuntut ilmu kedoktorannya,
Aku di sini menanggung beban rindu
Yang teramat sangat.

Dulu lain, sekarang lain.
Keadaan sudah berubah.
Dulu aku berteman,
Sekarang aku kesepian.
Hanya Asou dan Dong Hae
Saja menemani.

Kalau dulu kita sering ketawa bersama,
Sekarang kau tiada untuk menyeka air mata.
Kalau dulu kau sering menangis kepadaku,
Namun kini aku tidak lagi mendengar hilai tawamu.
Kalau dulu kau sering berlawak jenaka,
Kini, kau tiada lagi untuk menghiburkanku.

Hati oh hati,
Ingin saja aku berhenti merinduimu,
Tapi, aku tahu aku tidak akan bisa
Melakukannya sendirian.

Rindu dan cinta
Pada insan bernama KAKAK,
Merupakan antara anugerah
Yang paling bermakna dalam hidupku.
Satu anugerah oleh KEKASIHKU yang SATU.
Aku sedih, aku kecewa,
Kerana kau tiada di sini menemaniku,
Tetapi aku tahu, aku percaya,
Kau sentiasa di hatiku.
Terasa kau mengalir di setiap saluran darah
Dalam badanku.

Terima kasih, ya Allah...
Kerana menganugerahkan perasaan ini...
Perasaan rindu padanya,
Rindu pada seorang kakak,
Rindu pada seorang dai'e,
Rindu pada seorang bakal doktor.

Ya Allah,
peliharalah perasaan ini....
Lindungilah insan ini dari sebarang kejahatan.
Berkatilah dia, ampuni segala dosanya....

Sungguh aku merindui dirinya.
Sungguh aku mencintainya...



Kepada yang bernama kak uda:

Maaflah, puisi ni tak berapa sedap utk dihantar ke Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. Tapi ia ikhlas dinukilkan dari hati. Insya Allah.

Rindu kat u jugak....~

"I'll be waiting for you..."


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