About Me

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i know what's right and what's wrong. i am cheerful and out going. it's hard for me to find the one that i want, but once i find the right person, i won't be able to fall in love again for a long time.


"Do what you love and you'll be good at it. Sounds simple enough. But what if you love reading comics, playing video games and watching korean dramas until your eyes pop out? Is it possible to make a career out of such things? What's the alternative? Spend all your time wishing you were brave enough to take that leap? Don't let fear stop you from doing what you love. Because ultimately, it's about being true to yourself."


Tuesday 19 March 2013

Masa lalu.

Ingat tak lagi... atas bentangan rumput hijau kita berbaring sambil menikmati
tiupan angin musim panas yang mendamaikan? Sambil-sambil bergolek-golek atas rumput,
tangan mak tak henti-henti menekan butang snap pada kamera Kak Aishah.

Sungguh aku rindukan masa itu!

Gambar: Kenangan berbaring atas rumput di Taman Perumahan di Perth, Australia (2006)


p/s: Terima kasih kerana telah mengubat rindu yang suda berpekasam dalam hati ni. Semoga berjaya dalam peperiksaan kamu, wahai kakandaku.

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